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Dental bridge

Dental bridge

A dental bridge can help restore the appearance and functionality of your teeth if you have one or more missing teeth.

A prosthetic tooth or teeth are fixed to nearby healthy teeth as part of a dental bridge.

Who can benefit from a dental Bridge?

If you have a missing tooth or teeth at the front of your mouth, this can be an aesthetic concern and prevent you from giving your best smile. You may be a good candidate for a dental bridge.

If you have a back tooth or teeth missing, the remaining teeth are now bearing additional load and are at a greater risk of also breaking down and being lost. Additionally, when a tooth is absent for a long time, the teeth on each side of it (and those in the opposite jaw) will progressively migrate and tilt into the available space affecting bite and aesthetics further. Restoring missing teeth with a dental bridge solves these problems and restores your aesthetic and function.