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Patients who are missing one or more teeth because of trauma, tooth decay, gum disease, or any other oral condition frequently opt for dental implants.

How do dental implants work?

A dental implant, which resembles a screw and is made of titanium metal, replaces a lost tooth by being fastened to the jawbone. On top of the screw, we will fix a cap which resembles a tooth in form and function. Dental implants are fixed and hence offer a great long-term solution to missing teeth.

At Dental@Melton, we use the most recent dental technology to give our patients customised implant solutions with improved precision and shorter surgery durations.

To analyse for suitability properly and thoroughly and to plan for the optimal treatment outcome, an intra-oral examination, and a Dental CT scan (also known as cone beam volumetric tomography) will be performed during your initial consultation. Following this, a quick procedure will be performed under local anaesthesia to insert one or more titanium implants into the jawbone. We will then usually wait a period of three months for the implant to heal. The procedure will then be completed with inserting a custom-made tooth on top of the implant.

If you would like more information about dental implants, or would like to discuss your options, please feel free to give us a call at (03 9587 9003) and we will be more than happy to help you.