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Root Canal Therapy near Woodlea

Root Canal Therapy near Woodlea

A root canal procedure is used to save a ‘dead’ tooth from infection or damage caused by decay, dental procedures, or tooth trauma. Signs you may need a root canal include pain, sensitivity, tenderness when chewing, swelling, and tooth discoloration. The procedure involves numbing, removing the infected pulp, cleaning, and sealing the tooth, and finally placing a crown or filling on top. Temporary sensitivity may occur, but recovery usually takes a few days. Root canal procedures are typically comfortable and have a success rate of up to 95%, with long-lasting results. Root canal therapy is a great option to save your natural teeth, which would otherwise have to be pulled out and need replacement in the future.

Dealing with a stubborn tooth infection? Find the solution you need in Woodlea with our skilled team, who can provide you with effective root canal treatment.

Root Canal:

 A root canal is a dental procedure to remove infected or damaged pulp (inner tissue) from a tooth, preserving the tooth’s structure and relieving pain.

Causes For Needing Root Canal:

Deep cavitie

Dental trauma

Infection or abscess

Root Canal Treatment Involves:

Removing infected pulp

Cleaning and disinfecting the root canal

Filling the space with a biocompatible material

Sealing the tooth

Covering the tooth with a cap to ensure longevity.

Book a consultation near Woodlea now by calling us on at 03 95879003 or click on book now button to book an appointment right away!